
The book is about getting to the feeling of wellbeing so great that the feeling itself becomes the main motivation to stick to healthy lifestyle. Rules are simple and the effect is very rewarding.

The real cost of this book is your attention, not the symbolic price. Attention to learn and attention to build a set of healthy habits which lead to healthy body, psyche and energy. Great physique comes as a side effect of the previous. 

The axioms are universal, they work for everyone. The art is to work out a personalised protocol based on the axioms. And make such protocol easy to follow. 

A quick look on a crowd in any city environment suggests that 70-90% of people, depending on neighbourhood, could benefit from learning the healthy living axioms. Starting with, say, exclusion of certain foods – outright dangerous, yet commonly consumed, and often the only option available. Being mindful of food engineering and masterful marketing methods which have made addictive and harmful food omnipresent (and hard to resist). Yet, the modern day reality is that the same person who’s harming himself or herself every day in more than one way opts for remedies in form of expensive supplements, ‘spiritual awakening’ or dry fasting retreats. There’s nothing wrong with those, but those $2500 retreats is not where to start a health journey. It all starts with the holistic healthy axioms – the foundation of healthy lifestyle. The foundation what cost from very little to nothing. The foundation what guarantees results.

The axioms are the founding principles of vibrant health. It all starts with knowing the axioms and be mindful of those. 

Once you learn about the axioms, and solid evidence that those axioms are the backbone of good health, you’ll start to wonder why more than 99% of people are doing what they are doing. That will make you mindful why collective health stats are so bad. This is the purpose of the book – to make yourself mindful about what makes a human healthy. Once you know, it’s your choice if you proceed by applying in your life – and move to that 1%.