Each paleo axiom is a habit what is undeniably good for your physical and mental wellbeing. It is a habit which over millions of years kept humans healthy and strong to survive the harsh environment be happy every time when they succeeded.
The environment we live today is not ‘harsh’ anymore, not by Paleo era standards. In a way, there is no need to be strong or even healthy to survive. In our modern world being fit and healthy is not a precondition for survival – any sick and unfit person will be fed, taking care of and kept alive. There is no need to scavenge for food, and spend energy doing so – the food is readily available. Happiness, if defined by dopamine surge, is nothing to fight for – it comes through display of a mobile phone, in form of food engined to exact ‘pleasure point’ of certain mix of fats, carbs and protein. Omnipresent synthetic chemicals and electromagnetic field is something our God-given immunity is not designed to handle.
We live in the best time of human history. There is more freedom and opportunities available to any person than any time before. There are solutions for problems which have never before had before – like, just think about surgery tools, information technology etc.
Yet, in the process, we’ve taken it too far. We’ve adopted too many things which are harmful due to way we employ them in our lives. Too much comfort, too much food, too unnatural chemicals in food, products engineered to give quick and sure dopamine boost through various senses without any effort, too much unnatural electromagnetic field exposure … The immune system of a human being is very resilient system but there is only so much it can handle – and currently we are at a point where we constantly overload and chronically weaken those protection mechanisms to the point that first time in 200 years the life expectancy at birth is going to decline. In a way, physically pampered life kills us, ignorance about omnipresent risk factors kills … and kills in bad ways – just google for collective health stats to find out in how bad ways.
The good thing is that to a large extend we can have all the comforts of modern life and health and happiness protocol of an ancient man. In simpler words, no need to be obese, sick and depressed – to be fit, healthy and happy feels so much better.
Living by paleo axioms is taking back the vibrant health, energy and happiness in the best version of ancient man while keeping all the amenities of modern life.
This is about being mindless of ‘manufactured happiness’ of the modern world, being educated and aware about why the prevailing food supply is what it is (hint: your health is not on the top priority list ), what are real effects and side-effects of widely used pills, learning about safe of use of modern technology like mobile phones (no, they are not unconditionally safe).
Based on knowledge of objective facts, which are often well hidden in the incessant information avalanche, one stacks good habits and eliminates bad habits. To achieve this is more delicate balancing act as it seems. A lot stands in our way – conditioning, peer pressure, corporate lobbies leading to withholding information … Yet, at the end of the day it’s you and only you who can adapt a good habit – sometimes effortlessly, sometimes through a short-lived discomfort what leads to 10x comfort later.
Our summary of paleo axioms is here.